Heavy Duty Solesbee Root Rake 118″, 3″ Pins 42″ Arms X 2″ Thick
Inventory #969AT
Rockland Rake 9′ At Tines, Top 9’2″, 2″ Pins, 9 1/2″ Pin Length, Mount 45 1/2″ Outside – Outside
Inventory #951AT
Balderson Rake 110” Fits Caterpillar 928G Mount 20″ Outside – Outside
Inventory #942AT
SOLD 10′ Balderson Quick Attach 23 1/2″ Center to Center 2″ Lower Pin or Pin On Rake 3″ Upper Pin 2″ Lower Pin
Inventory #927AT
4 Foot Excavator Root Rake, 13″ throat, pins 17″ center to center, 3 3/8″ pin, 48″ at tines, 62″ wide overall
Inventory #912AT
8 Foot Root Rake
Inventory #879AT
8 Foot Wheel Loader Root Rake
Inventory #866AT
9.5 Foot Root Rake
Inventory #717AT
7 Foot Root Rake Fits Ford Backhoe
Inventory #704AT
8 Ft. Rockland Root Rake
Inventory #671AT
7 Ft. Root Rake With Pemberton Quick Connect (quick connect sold separately)
Inventory #669AT
NEW CAT 924G Wheel Loader Root Rake
Inventory #650AT
9 Tine Loader Root Rake
Inventory #633AT
Pemberton Root Rake, fits 938
Inventory #631AT
CAT 938G Quicktach Root Rake
Inventory #630AT
9 Foot Pemberton Dozer Root Rake
Inventory #615AT
Pemberton D6 Dozer 10′ Root Rake With Arms
Inventory #139AT
SOLD MANN Pin On Rake, 7 Foot Long, 7 Inch Wide Between The Teeth
Inventory #518AT
Fleco 11ft Root Rake with Arms
SOLD Fleco Root Rake
Inventory #508AT
Fleco 11.5ft Rake with Side Arms 4in Wide Teeth
Inventory #496AT
Fleco Pin On Root Rake, 7 Teeth, 2 1/2 Foot Width, Width Of Top 89 1/2, Fits Dozers
Inventory #495AT
8′ ROOT RAKE, 2 1/2″ top pin, 2″ bottom pins
Inventory #466AT
SOLD Fleco Root Rake
Inventory #422AT
Quick Attach Rake Fits Front End Loader 7 Teeth Outer Teeth Width 7 Foot 1 1/2 Inch
Inventory #419 AT
Pin On Rake, Fits Front End Loader, 8 Teeth
Inventory #417AT
Quick Attach Root Rake, Black, Fits Front End Loader, 7 Teeth. 3 Inch Hook, Fits JD 644, Case 621
Inventory #411AT
SOLD Fleco 10′ Pin on Root Rake
Inventory #260AT